
Ovations for Lindo: Dubrovnik ensemble delighted audience in Lepoglava!

Folk Ensemble Lindo had attended the Lace International festival in Lepoglava. Artists from Dubrovnik delighted the audience with their performance of traditional national dances, and deserved a remarkable applause.

One of the persons, who established this cooperation between Lindo and the Danica Bresler Lace Society, was Mrs Verica Dubovecak, the president of the society.

‘While I was watching Lindo for the first time, I wondered what should I do to bring them to Lepoglava. Luckily, it didn’t require many long negotiations, we just got in touch and agreed about everything ‘- said Dubovecak.

After the performance, members of Ensemble Lindo and Lace society exchanged gifts and expressed their desires for another meeting, in the coming future.